Week 7



 Kevin told me I was in for a suprise, and to make sure that I came in on Saturday. This week just dragged along and I had completely forgot about something cool happening on Saturday. I absolutely love this internship, and working with young baseball players is such a passion for me, but it is so hard balancing all of that and staying on top of my academics at the same time. I know that this industry is what I will be in for the rest of my life it is just a bunch of work while I am at school. So when Saturday rolled aorund I was exhausted and ready to leave but Kevin told me to stay a little longer. All of the sudden a bunch of camera crews came into the facility and I was just trying to figure out whats going on and all of the sudden Donald Brown walked in. For those of you who do not know Donald Brown was the first round draft choice last year of the Indianpolis Colts, and their starting running back. I was now star struck for the second week in a row. I tried to stay professional since I was an employee and did not ask for a picture, but I now regret it. However, my little brother was there and got a picture with Donald. This immedietly raised my spirits and was just a reminder of how great the world of sports is.

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