My first week was better than I could have possibly imagined, and I am learning so much already. I have been through all of the workouts I see Kevin doing with his various athletes and it is very interesting to see it from the Personal Trainer's point of view. Also, I am able to identify with the athletes he is training because I know exactly how they're feeling and how hard it must be for them. Kevin also noticed this and told me he wants me to try and pick up on if the athletes are actually tired or are faking it to get done faster, and to also try and notice if the athlete is giving 100%. Also, I did my first hitting instruction with four high school baseball players Christian, Sam, Elliot, and Brock. All of these players are from my home town and Christian is actually my younger brother. I know it is early, but I really believe I have found my niche here with being a hitting instructor.

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